Talking about living life behind lenses and seeing things a bit differently.
A blog about living with a genetic visual impairment and navigating the worlds of beauty and fashion along the way.
Looking forward
Looking forward, with the odd glance back.
It might not look like it but I’ve been working on this blog for over two years. I started it with a surge of confidence, with ideas and a want to share my thoughts and experiences. Then I shared it with someone close to me whose negative reaction had a major impact on me. And then I thought I couldn’t do it, shouldn’t do it. So, I didn’t post anything else. I let it be. But it didn’t stop me wanting to and so I kept writing blog posts. I kept taking photos of products I wanted to share and talk about. I continued that for years and slowly I felt more confident, more able to do this but also much sure in that this was something for me and that feedback didn’t make it and definitely shouldn’t break it. A recent conversation with that same person dismayed them to know their words had had that impact, as it wasn’t their intention at all. It was a learning curve and I’m taking it as such.
Also, recently my phone broke and with a dodgy back up I lost so many photos of places, products, ideas. It was so upsetting and this time I didn’t hold back when people told me I was being silly over it. That was my time and effort that had gone into that, yes, I have my memories but those photos still meant something to me and now they are lost forever.
So, going forwards I’m going to post the pieces I’ve written and share the things I want to talk about. Will this please everybody I come into contact with? No, but it doesn’t have to. This is something I’m doing primarily for me. If others join and we start a conversation, a friendship, a (my mother would scoff at this overused but still appropriate word) journey, then great. If not, that’s ok too. As many say, this is my little corner of the internet and I hope to make it a happy, helpful and fun place to be.
Here’s to looking forward, to what may come in this strange time that we are all experiencing but also to looking back, to acknowledging what was done before and how we can learn from it all. To future pieces I’m going to write as well as finally sharing ones that are years old (but perhaps better edited). Bring on what’s to come with the knowledge of what I’ve already learned supporting me. Here’s hoping it’s only upwards, bigger and brighter from here on out. Now, bring me that horizon.
First post!
To begin, hello! Welcome to my blog. This is a first for me, as for many others, and I hope you like and maybe get some enjoyment and/or knowledge from my learning curve. Secondly, an explanation. I named my blog/online presence the E spectrum for a couple of different reasons. My name is Ellie, hence …
For any queries or questions you can contact me at or else by any of my social media sites.